Keyboard shortcuts for the Visual Basic Editor

The Visual Basic Editor (VBE) is the development environment in the MS Office applications. Fortunately, there are a number of keyboard shortcuts that you can use to work more efficiently while entering, viewing, and editing code.

Alt + F11 This toggles switch displays the VBE from the application window and vice versa.
Ctrl + G Displays Immediate window.
Ctrl + F Opens the Find dialog box.
F3 Find Next.
Shift + F3 Find Previous.
Ctrl + H Opens the Replace dialog box.
Ctrl + Z Cancels the last keyboard stroke or the last mouse operation (when possible.)
F5 Runs the current procedure or continues execution after pausing.
Ctrl + Break Halts a procedure.
Shift + F5 Terminates a procedure and resets all variables to their default values.
Shift + F10 Displays the active window’s shortcut menu.
Ctrl + R Opens the Project Explorer.
F4 Opens the Properties window.
F2 Opens the Object Browser. F1 Opens VBA Help.
F7 Gives focus to the open module window.

Code module
Ctrl + Down Arrow Select next procedure.
Ctrl + Up Arrow Select previous procedure.
Ctrl + Page Down Shift one screen down.
Ctrl + Page Up Shift one screen up.
Ctrl + Shift + F2 Go to last position.
Ctrl + Home Go to beginning of module. (Also in the Immediate window.)
Ctrl + End Go to end of module. (Also in the Immediate window.)
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move one word to the right.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move one word to the left.
End Move to the end of the line.
Home Move to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl + Y Delete current line.
Ctrl + Delete Delete to end of word.
Ctrl + Shift + F9 Clear all breakpoints.

Project Explorer
Shift + Enter Open the selected file’s module.
Home Select the first file in the list.
End Select the last file in the list.
Right arrow Expands a sublist.
Left arrow Collapses a sublist.
Up arrow Moves up the list one item at a time.
Down arrow Moves down the list one item at a time.


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